Kidneys from Black donors are more likely to be thrown away − a bioethicist explains why

As one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., kidney disease is a serious public health problem. The disease is particularly severe among Black Americans, who are three…

Hispanic health disparities in the US trace back to the Spanish Inquisition

Many of the significant health disparities and inequities Hispanic communities in the United States face are tied to a long history of health injustice in the Hispanic world. The health…

Treatment can do more harm than good for prostate cancer − why active surveillance may be a better option for some

Although about 1 in 8 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, only about 1 in 44 will die from it. Most men diagnosed…

Who is still getting HIV in America? Medication is only half the fight – homing in on disparities can help get care to those who need it most

As the globe marks another World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, it’s crucial to both acknowledge the significant strides made in the global battle against HIV and recognize the persistent…

Prostate cancer treatment is not always the best option – a cancer researcher walks her father through his diagnosis

“Me encontraron càncer en la pròstata,” my father told me. They found cancer in my prostate. As a cancer researcher who knows very well about the high incidence and decreased…

Including race in clinical algorithms can both reduce and increase health inequities – it depends on what doctors use them for

Health practitioners are increasingly concerned that because race is a social construct, and the biological mechanisms of how race affects clinical outcomes are often unknown, including race in predictive algorithms…

Black mothers trapped in unsafe neighborhoods signal the stressful health toll of gun violence in the U.S.

Black mothers are the canaries in the coal mine when it comes to the mental and physical harms of stress from living with gun violence in America. In the U.S.,…