Aclimatación temporal de la tolerancia termal en árboles a lo largo del Río Hirviente en la Amazonía. – Functional Ecologists

Sobre el artículo Es posible que las plantas tropicales sean particularmente vulnerables a las altas temperaturas asociadas con el cambio climático porque han evolucionado bajo condiciones relativamente estables y no…

Ground squirrels hibernate to avoid predation, but not at the expense of reproductive opportunities – Functional Ecologists

Austin Allison—a PhD student at Colorado State University and recent MS graduate from the University of Idaho—discusses his recently accepted paper: “Why hibernate? Tests of four hypotheses to explain intraspecific…

Closely tropical herbs have similar tolerance to high temperatures – Functional Ecologists

In our newest post Georgia Hernández Corrales—PhD candidate at University of Connecticut, USA—presents her work ‘Evolutionary history constrains heat tolerance of native and exotic tropical Zingiberales’. She discusses the importance…