Research pinpoints the time of year and hour when people have the strongest suicidal thoughts

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research has identified the month when people have the strongest suicidal thoughts, and that these thoughts occur a few months before the peak of suicide…

Shared Interests, Shared Essence: Unraveling the Psychology of Instant Connections

Summary: New research sheds light on the similarity-attraction effect, a psychological principle that governs how we form relationships based on shared interests. The study highlight the critical role of ‘self-essentialist…

The impact of the Mongol conquests on earthen cities in Central Asia |

The conquest campaigns of the Mongol Empire took place in the first half of the thirteenth century, deposing the Persianate Khwarazmian Empire and seizing its territories from Kazakhstan to the…

Is that the right call?

Credit: CC0/Unsplash The COVID-19 emergency is over. After three years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the virus “no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.”…

Researcher uses artificial intelligence to discover new materials for advanced computing

Robotic proxy brings remote users to life in real time

Google Quantum AI braids non-Abelian anyons for the first time

Topological quantum computations are accomplished by entwining the world-lines of non-Abelian anyons. Credit: Google Quantum AI Our intuition tells us that it should be impossible to see whether two identical…

Glutamate Imbalance Impairs Hippocampus, Leading to Psychosis

Summary: A new study has found that people with a genetic risk for psychosis have an imbalance of glutamate and GABA neurotransmitters in their brains, specifically in the hippocampus. This…

Feeling Hungry? It Might Just Slow Aging

Summary: The sensation of hunger itself may slow aging. Researchers discovered that flies induced to feel hungry, either through diet or brain stimulation, lived longer. They also found that hunger…

Why some hammerhead sharks seem to ‘hold their breath’ during dives

Even fish sometimes hold their breath in cold, dark, deep water. Scalloped hammerhead sharks living near Hawaii spend their days basking in warm surface waters. But at night, these fish…