Wally Broecker divined how the climate could suddenly shift

It was the mid-1980s, at a meeting in Switzerland, when Wally Broecker’s ears perked up. Scientist Hans Oeschger was describing an ice core drilled at a military radar station in…

Forests help reduce global warming in more ways than one

When it comes to cooling the planet, forests have more than one trick up their trees.   Tropical forests help cool the average global temperature by more than 1 degree…

Smoke from Australia’s intense fires in 2019 and 2020 damaged the ozone layer

Towers of smoke that rose high into the stratosphere during Australia’s “black summer” fires in 2019 and 2020 destroyed some of Earth’s protective ozone layer, researchers report in the March…

Even the sea has light pollution. These new maps show its extent

The first global atlas of ocean light pollution shows that large swaths of the sea are squinting in the glare of humans’ artificial lights at night. From urbanized coastlines along…

How did we get here? The roots and impacts of the climate crisis

Even in a world increasingly battered by weather extremes, the summer 2021 heat wave in the Pacific Northwest stood out. For several days in late June, cities such as Vancouver,…

The past’s extreme ocean heat waves are now the new normal

Yesterday’s scorching ocean extremes are today’s new normal. A new analysis of surface ocean temperatures over the past 150 years reveals that in 2019, 57 percent of the ocean’s surface…

Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier ice shelf could collapse within five years

The demise of a West Antarctic glacier poses the world’s biggest threat to raise sea levels before 2100 — and an ice shelf that’s holding it back from the sea…

The Southern Ocean is still swallowing large amounts of humans’ carbon dioxide emissions

The Southern Ocean is still busily absorbing large amounts of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans’ fossil fuel burning, a study based on airborne observations of the gas suggests. The…

Potty-trained cattle could help reduce pollution

You can lead a cow to a water closet, but can you make it pee there? It turns out that yes, you can. Researchers in Germany successfully trained cows to…

Scientists are racing to save the Last Ice Area, an Arctic Noah’s Ark

It started with polar bears. In 2012, polar bear DNA revealed that the iconic species had faced extinction before, likely during a warm period 130,000 years ago, but had rebounded.…