“Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners

Summary: A new study explores the phenomenon of supernatural visits from deceased pets. Analyzing 544 accounts from dog owners on social media, researchers found that about half of these experiences…

How Sex and Gender Shape Our Cognition

Summary: Researchers released a new study examining how sex and gender influence cognitive abilities. The study analyzed eight cognitive tasks and found that while spatial cognition correlates more with biological…

AI vs. Human Empathy: Machine Learning More Empathetic

Summary: AI-generated messages can make recipients feel more “heard” compared to responses from untrained humans. The research demonstrates AI’s superior ability to detect and respond to human emotions, potentially providing…

Large language models generate biased content, warn researchers

Credit: AI-generated image A new report led by researchers from UCL finds that the most popular artificial intelligence (AI) tools discriminate against women and people of different cultures and sexualities.…

Metasurface antenna could enable future 6G communications networks

DMA prototype 1. Credit: University of Glasgow A team led by researchers from the University of Glasgow has developed an innovative wireless communications antenna that combines the unique properties of…

An efficient dynamic erasure coding method for permissioned blockchain systems

The overhead of Dynamic-EC. Credit: Mizhipeng Zhang, Chentao Wu, Jie Li, Minyi Guo Research led by Minyi Guo, published in Frontiers of Computer Science, addresses the challenge of reducing storage…

Amazon CEO touts AI in annual shareholder letter

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In his annual letter to shareholders, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy went back to 2003. Quoting from a “Vision document” that year for Amazon Web Services—the company’s…

Paints and Pesticides Linked to ALS Risk

Summary: A new study reveals a possible link between storing chemicals in home garages and an increased risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Researchers identified significant associations between ALS…

New computer vision tool can count damaged buildings in crisis zones and accurately estimate bird flock sizes

Cutting-edge simulations for Industry 4.0

Wolfgang Maaß (left), doctoral research student Hannah Stein and researcher Ankit Agrawal (right) are working with partners from industry and academia to harness the power of quantum computational methods for…