Native American mothers whose children have been separated from them experience a raw and ongoing grief that has no end

Native American mothers whose children were separated from them – either through child removal for assimilation into residential boarding schools or through coerced adoption – experience the kind of grief…

Who is still getting HIV in America? Medication is only half the fight – homing in on disparities can help get care to those who need it most

As the globe marks another World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, it’s crucial to both acknowledge the significant strides made in the global battle against HIV and recognize the persistent…

People who experienced childhood adversity had poorer COVID-19 outcomes, new study shows

Adults who faced adversity during childhood were significantly more likely to die from or be hospitalized because of COVID-19. That’s the key finding of my team’s recent study, published in…

A dose of humility for doctors, nurses and clinicians

Better health care for patients begins with humility – a term not often associated with medicine. I witnessed displays of humility firsthand eight years ago, the night my son was…

Dozens of US adolescents are dying from drug overdoses every month − an expert on substance use unpacks the grim numbers with 3 charts

Drug overdose deaths in the United States continue to rise. Overdoses claimed more than 112,000 American lives from May 2022 to May 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control…

Why are bullies so mean? A youth psychology expert explains what’s behind their harmful behavior

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to Why are bullies so mean?…

Pollution from coal power plants contributes to far more deaths than scientists realized, study shows

Air pollution particles from coal-fired power plants are more harmful to human health than many experts realized, and it’s more than twice as likely to contribute to premature deaths as…

Disease risk spreads amid overcrowded shelters, dirty water and breakdown of basic sanitation

After more than a month of being subjected to sustained bombing, the besieged people of the Gaza Strip are now confronted with another threat to life: disease. Overcrowding at shelters,…

This Thanksgiving − and on any holiday − these steps will help prevent foodborne illness

Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with friends and family around the dinner table. No one wants to cause their family or friends to get sick from a foodborne illness…

Immune health is all about balance – an immunologist explains why both too strong and too weak an immune response can lead to illness

For immune health, some influencers seem to think the Goldilocks philosophy of “just right” is overrated. Why settle for less immunity when you can have more? Many social media posts…