Unexplained hepatitis cases in kids offer more questions than answers

As health officials continue their investigation of unexplained cases of liver inflammation in children, what is known is still outpaced by what isn’t. At least 500 cases of hepatitis from…

COVID-19 has killed a million Americans. Our minds can’t comprehend that number

One million deaths. That is now roughly the toll of COVID-19 in the United States. And that official milestone is almost certainly an undercount. The World Health Organization’s data suggest…

A Denisovan girl’s fossil tooth may have been unearthed in Laos

A molar tooth from Southeast Asia probably belonged to a member of a cryptic group of Stone Age hominids called Denisovans, researchers say. If so, this relatively large tooth joins…

Pressure to conform to social norms may explain risky COVID-19 decisions

The pandemic has entered a murky stage, and social norms are quickly shifting, something I’ve thought a lot about lately. Many people are testing at home, or not at all.…

Pressure to conform to social norms may explain risky COVID-19 decisions

The pandemic has entered a murky stage, and social norms are quickly shifting, something I’ve thought a lot about lately. Many people are testing at home, or not at all.…

A special brew may have calmed Inca children headed for sacrifice

Two Inca children slated for ritual sacrifice more than 500 years ago quaffed a special soothing concoction that has gone undetected until now. Those young victims, most likely a girl…

A special brew may have calmed Inca children headed for sacrifice

Two Inca children slated for ritual sacrifice more than 500 years ago quaffed a special soothing concoction that has gone undetected until now. Those young victims, most likely a girl…

Prehistoric people may have used light from fires to create dynamic art

Prehistoric people may have used firelight to create the illusion of movement in their art. An analysis of 50 engraved stones excavated in France suggests that when the stones were…

Here’s the latest good and bad news about COVID-19 drugs

Maybe you’ve heard that the pandemic is over in the United States. (It’s not.) Masks are no longer required in most places and large gatherings are becoming commonplace again. Most…

How to wash chicken in the kitchen more safely, according to physics

Health experts recommend against washing chicken before cooking it because that can spread harmful bacteria. But if you’re among the nearly 70 percent of people who do, according to a…