Snake venom toxins can be neutralized by a new synthetic antibody

The antivenom for a black mamba’s bite could one day work for a slew of other snakes. Scientists have developed an antibody that shuts down paralyzing toxins in the venom…

A new book explores the transformative power of bird-watching

Aaron Tremper is the editorial assistant for Science News Explores. He has a B.A. in English (with minors in creative writing and film production) from SUNY New Paltz and an…

Does this drone image show a newborn white shark? Shark experts aren’t sure

In late January, the internet went all “Baby shark, doo doo doo.” Video of a purported newborn white shark, taken by a drone off the coast of California, went viral,…

Migratory fish species are in drastic decline, a new UN report details

Migratory species don’t travel with a passport, but they cross borders all the time. This makes the animals’ conservation a uniquely challenging, international effort. That effort needs a lot of…

Sharks bit fewer than 100 people in 2023

Despite the sensationalized portrayal of sharks in movies like Jaws, the ocean’s apex predators have far more to fear from people than vice versa. Even though millions of people around…

The first known scorpion to live with ants carries mini hitchhikers

In the middle of an April night in Israel’s Jordan Valley, Yoram Zvik sweeps a UV light over the dark ground near throngs of marching ants. The light passes over…

Explore the expected life spans of different dog breeds

For a dog, it’s good to be small and have a long nose. In the United Kingdom, breeds matching that description, such as miniature dachshunds and some terriers, can expect…

Parrots can move along thin branches using ‘beakiation’

Parrots don’t just hang out for fun. To move along narrow branches, a parrot can hang from a branch with its beak, swing its body sideways and grab hold farther…

Insects flocking to artificial lights may not know which way is up

The insects flying in circles around your porch light aren’t captivated by the light. Instead, they may have lost track of which way is up, high-speed infrared camera data suggest.…

What parrots can teach us about human intelligence

Bruce the kea is missing his upper beak, giving the olive green parrot a look of perpetual surprise. But scientists are the astonished ones. The typical kea (Nestor notabilis) sports…