Clara Castellano—Understanding the Impact of Rural Abandonment on Ecological Processes in Mediterranean Ecosystems – Functional Ecologists

In this blog post, Clara Castellano—from the Department of Agrarian and Environmental Science at the University of Zaragoza, Huesca, Spain—discusses working on the ARBIO Project in the Middle Ebro River…

How an invasive ant changed a lion’s dinner menu

How did the ant steal the lion’s dinner? This isn’t the beginning of one of Aesop’s Fables. It’s the finding of a new study showing how the disruption of one…

Explore the root advantages of invasive plants under nutrient enrichment – Functional Ecologists

In this new post, Hao Liu—a postdoc from Fudan University, China—presents his work ‘Root plasticity benefits a global invasive species in eutrophic coastal wetlands’. Here he discusses the importance in…

Matching plants and pollinators in Czech grasslands – Functional Ecologists

In this post, Zdeněk Janovský and Jakub “Kuba” Štenc —from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic—share their work ‘Pollinator community and generalisation of pollinator spectra changes with plant niche width and…

What are the relationships between water and silicon uptake in plants, and what factors change cause shifts in these? – Functional Ecologists

In this new post, Julia Cooke and Joanna Carey—ecologists and friends from the UK and USA—present their work ‘Stress alters the role of silicon in controlling plant water movement’. They…

Physiological ecology  – Functional Ecologists

This blog post on ‘Physiological ecology’ is part of the BES ‘Key Concepts in Ecology’ series, designed to help ecologists in learning the key topics in ecology! Take a look…

TreeDì—Understanding tree diversity effects on Chinese subtropical forests – Functional Ecologists

In this new post, the group – PhD students at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany – discuss their experiences working on the BEF-China experiment, the…

Colour differs between red flowers and red fruits – Functional Ecologists

In this post, Zhe Chen—a postdoc at the CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences—share his recently published…

Landscape ecology and macroecology  – Functional Ecologists

This blog post on ‘Landscape ecology and macroecology’ is part of the BES ‘Key Concepts in Ecology’ series, designed to help ecologists in learning the key topics in ecology! Take…

Invasion alters reproduction in a native perennial plant – Functional Ecologists

In this new post, Petr Dostál—from the Institute of Botany, Czech Republic—presents his work ‘Reproductive strategies of native plant populations altered by a plant invasion’. He highlights the connection between…