Viewpoint: Outdated organic technology? By rejecting gene editing, growers left with more disease-prone, pest-infested crops

East Yorks mixed farmer Paul Temple suggests that in closing its mind to new genetic technologies, the organic sector may miss out on a major opportunity to transform the productivity,…

Gene Mutation Sheds Light on Schizophrenia Mysteries

Summary: Scientists developed a mouse model that carries a genetic mutation linked to an increased risk of schizophrenia. By studying the Grin2a gene, they found significant changes in gene expression,…

Social justice environmental activists move to block gene editing to control invasive species and promote biodiversity. Here’s why they’re misguided

Hawaii has emerged as ground zero for efforts to raise the awareness of the dangers of invasive species. Just last month, biosecurity experts testified in the state legislature, forecasting more…

Genes Behind Depression Could Pave Way for Other Mental Disorders

Summary: Researchers completed the largest-ever genetic study on depression, encompassing 1.3 million genomes. Their findings indicate that individuals with hospital-treated depression have an increased genetic risk for other psychiatric conditions…

Viewpoint: ‘Public fixation on human extinction from AI could distract from AI’s more immediate harms’

The warning consisted of a single sentence: “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” The pithy…

Sequestering carbon on a gigaton scale: How gene editing can address climate change by reducing atmospheric emissions

Hardly a day goes by without another piece praising the potential for gene editing to help solve climate change. Nevertheless, the possible contributions of biology and biotechnology have been conspicuously underplayed in most of the International Panel on Climate Change…

First synthetic human embryo to live past 14 days was made from stem cells

A Cambridge University scientist says her research lab has used stem cells to create a human embryo that developed past day 14. If confirmed, the technique could lead to breakthroughs…

Unlocking Schizophrenia: Mitochondria Dysfunction at the Forefront

Summary: Researchers have identified a pivotal role of impaired mitochondrial function in the development of schizophrenia by examining the genetic risk factor 3q29 deletion syndrome. The genetic condition, known to…

Pesticides and Food: It’s not a black or white issue — Part 5: Soil health ― When synthetic pesticides are more sustainable than ‘natural’ organics

Most consumers believe organic farming avoids pesticides and prioritizes the health of the environment more than conventional farming. However, this is not necessarily the case. Pesticides used in organic farming…

ChatGPT has just had a major update. What can it do now?

Tech research company OpenAI has just released an updated version of its text-generating artificial intelligence program, called GPT-4, and demonstrated some of the language model’s new abilities. Not only can GPT-4 produce…