New Gene-Editing Tool Targets Mutations with Unmatched Precision

Summary: A breakthrough tool called Helicase-Assisted Continuous Editing (HACE) allows scientists to create precise genetic mutations in specific genes without affecting the rest of the genome. By combining helicase enzymes…

Mapping Protein Changes Across Aging

Summary: Researchers have developed the Mouse Aging Proteomic Atlas, a comprehensive database detailing protein changes in major tissues as mice age. By analyzing proteomes and transcriptomes across tissues like the…

How blockchain technology is transforming Indian agriculture in unexpected ways

India’s agricultural sector is grappling with several challenges that hinder efficiency and profitability for farmers. Traditional agricultural supply chains are complex and often inefficient, characterized by multiple intermediaries, inconsistent pricing,…

Huntington’s Gene Enhances Early Brain Growth and Intelligence

Summary: A study reveals that the genetic mutation causing Huntington’s disease (HD) enhances brain development and intelligence in early life, but leads to degeneration in adulthood. Children with the HD…

GM crops have greatly enhanced environmental sustainability. As climate change roils farming, we’ll need even more biotech innovation

[dropcapW[/dropcap]hen genetically modified (GM) crops were initially commercialized in the mid to late 1990s, many critics of the new technology predicted the benefits would be minimal and short-lived. These critics…

Switzerland edges towards embracing gene edited foods

[After a 20-year moratorium on genetically modified crops], the Swiss parliament asked the government to prepare a draft act for consultation [to introduce] a risk-based approval system for plants and…

Viewpoint: Understanding risk—Why parts per trillion (or smaller) trace of pesticides sparks intense fear?

At speaking engagements, I would often remind audiences of Bruce Ames’ quote on coffee and pesticides. In an attempt to reassure us on relative toxicity, Ames noted how there are…

For the 24 million people globally who suffer from schizophrenia, newly approved Cobenfy offers a breakthrough treatment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration [has] approved a new kind of drug to treat schizophrenia, a breakthrough after 70 years of incremental innovation that appears to avoid side effects that…

AI is supercharging gene editing, slingshotting us into a future of creating new life

During her chemistry Nobel Prize lecture in 2018, Frances Arnold said, “Today we can for all practical purposes read, write and edit any sequence of DNA, but we cannot compose it.”…

Key Biochemical Trigger of Huntington’s Disease Progression Identified

Summary: Researchers have identified a crucial biochemical mechanism that could allow Huntington’s disease to be studied before symptoms appear, offering hope for early intervention. The team found that disrupted dopamine…