A groundbreaking pineapple-flavored spray vaccine could prevent urinary tract infections for up to 9 years

Learning and Memory Formation’s Molecular Basis

Summary: Researchers developed a new platform to explore dendritic translation’s role in memory formation and its implications for intellectual disorders. By employing a novel method named TurboID, researchers uncovered a…

Powering Brain Repair: Mitochondria Key to Neurogenesis

Summary: Researchers made a groundbreaking discovery about the maturation process of adult-born neurons in the brain, highlighting the critical role of mitochondrial fusion in these cells. Their study shows that…

Do the MAOA and CDH13 ‘human warrior genes’ make violent criminals—and what should society do?

Viewpoint: ‘Enemy of Science’ — Friends of the Earth renews its organic industry-funded campaign against GM crops

Here’s why roller pigeons do backflips

Atoosa Samani started learning about pigeon genetics at a young age. She grew up surrounded by pet pigeons in Isfahan, a city in central Iran famed for its pigeon towers.…

Hereditary Alzheimer’s Transmitted Via Bone Marrow Transplants

Summary: Alzheimer’s disease, traditionally seen as a brain-centric condition, may have systemic origins and can be accelerated through bone marrow transplants from donors with familial Alzheimer’s to healthy mice. A…

Viewpoint: Here’s how genetically engineered fruits and vegetables will soon emerge as a grocery store ‘selling point rather than a scare tactic’

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). The study, which included young adults with and…

What is ‘carbon farming’ and could it provide a path to a more sustainable agricultural future?