Artificial Intelligence Helps Produce Clean Water

Newswise — About 2.2 billion people, more than a quarter of the world’s population, lack access to safe, managed drinking water, and about half of the world’s population experiences severe…

Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows

Mysteries of the bizarre ‘pseudogap’ in quantum physics finally untangled

An illustration of colored balls on a chessboard-like grid similar to the Hubbard model. Credit: Lucy Reading-Ikkanda/Simons Foundation By cleverly applying a computational technique, scientists have made a breakthrough in…

Topological quantum computers a step closer with new method to ‘split’ electrons

Double-slit experiment. Credit: University College Dublin The topological quantum computer still exists only in theory but, if possible, would be the most stable and powerful computing machine in the world.…

New Physics Needed? Maybe | Newswise

Newswise — DALLAS (SMU) – An unexpected finding about how our universe formed is again raising the question: do we need new physics? The answer could fundamentally change what physics…

Were Bohr and von Neumann really in conflict over quantum measurements?

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Analysis suggests that the two pioneers of quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr and John von Neumann, may have had more similar views than previously thought regarding the…

LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet

Different qubit architecture could enable easier manufacturing of quantum computer building blocks

Four Argonne Scientists Receive 2024 DOE Early Career Research Awards

Newswise — Recipients of the 2024 U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program are each awarded $550,000 a year for five years to help them answer complex questions. Four…

Quantum tech breakthrough could enable precision sensing at room temperature