Diamond quantum sensors measure neuron activity

Schematic of the sensor operation (not to scale), where green laser light directed to subsurface colour centres (NV) in the diamond enables recording of magnetic field arising from compound action…

Physicists ‘entangle’ individual molecules for the first time, hastening possibilities for quantum computing

Laser setup for cooling, controlling, and entangling individual molecules. Credit: Richard Soden, Department of Physics, Princeton University For the first time, a team of Princeton physicists have been able to…

Polaritons open up a new lane on the semiconductor highway

On the highway of heat transfer, thermal energy is moved by way of quantum particles called phonons. But those phonons don’t remove enough heat at the nanoscale of today’s most…

Fractal photonic anomalous Floquet topological insulators to generate multiple quantum chiral edge states

Using logical qubits to make a quantum computer that can correct its errors

Breakthrough in coherent two-photon LIDAR overcomes range limitations

Study offers correction for better calculations for the magnetic properties of neodymium compounds

Luttinger’s theorem at the core of topological matter

Luttinger’s theorem relates a Fermi liquid’s particle density to the volume of its Fermi surface. Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain In 1960, Joaquin Luttinger introduced a universal statement that relates…

A novel microscope operates on the quantum state of single electrons

Artistic illustration of the integration of electron spin resonance in atomic force microscopy. The white structure at the bottom represents a single molecule, the arrows its spin quantum state and…

Diamonds and rust help unveil ‘impossible’ quasi-particles