Research demonstrates readout technique for superconducting qubits

by Rigetti Computing Inc. Microwave qubit readout. Credit: Nature Physics (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02742-3 This is where microwave-to-optical transduction comes into play, a field dedicated to the coherent conversion of microwave…

Newly realized nuclear-spin dark state promises reduced quantum decoherence

Two electrons (blue) in a state gate-defined quantum dot were used to create a nuclear-spin dark state. The dark state is a collective state of the nuclear spins (green) that…

Microsoft joins quantum race with breakthrough chip

Credit: Microsoft Tech giant Microsoft unveiled a new computer chip on Wednesday that it says could transform everything from fighting pollution to developing new medicines, joining Google and IBM in…

A new way to observe electrons in motion

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Electrons oscillate around the nucleus of an atom on extremely short timescales, typically completing a cycle in just a few hundred attoseconds. Because of their ultrafast…

Digging deeper into light-assisted atomic collisions

Exploiting the hyperfine structure in repulsive light-assisted collisions (LAC) on a 87-Rubidium atom pair in an optical tweezer. Credit: Steven Burrows/Steven Pampel and Cindy Regal When atoms collide, their exact…

Researchers spin ‘wheel of fortune’ to find a fundamental proof of quantum mechanics

A newly proposed protocol to boost privacy in quantum sensor networks

Schematic of a quantum sensor network. Unknown parameters are spatially distributed across the network. Metrologically, the objective is to estimate a function of these parameters, such as their average value.…

Quantum-inspired advancement turns crystal gaps into terabyte storage for classical memory

A crystal used in the study charges under UV light. The process created by the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Zhong Lab could be used with a…

Atomic traffic control—researchers develop novel technology for more precise quantum sensors

Fabrication method advances high-performance photon detector technology