Ultralow temperature terahertz microscope capabilities could enable better quantum technology

Terahertz microscope with cryogenic insert. Credit: Department of Energy Ames National Laboratory A team of scientists from the Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory have developed a way to collect…

Proposed perovskite-based device combines aspects of electronics and photonics

By sandwiching bits of perovskite between two mirrors and stimulating them with laser beams, researchers were able to directly control the spin state of quasiparticles known as exciton-polariton pairs, which…

Researcher uses artificial intelligence to discover new materials for advanced computing

Google Quantum AI braids non-Abelian anyons for the first time

Topological quantum computations are accomplished by entwining the world-lines of non-Abelian anyons. Credit: Google Quantum AI Our intuition tells us that it should be impossible to see whether two identical…

Study demonstrates that Ta₂NiSe₅ is not an excitonic insulator

New technology developed for quantum cryptography applications

Quantum electrodynamics verified with exotic atoms

Conceptual diagram showing muonic atoms and quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects Credit: RIKEN An international collaboration of researchers, including the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli…

Breakthrough in dynamical localization transitions and Berry curvature-induced transport

by Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS a, Conceptual illustration of a photonic crystal consisting of deformed dielectric microcavities. b, Energy bands as a…

Researchers extend the concept of directionality and propose a new class of materials

The exciting possibilities of tiny, twisted superconductors