Flesh-eating bacteria infections are on the rise in the US − a microbiologist explains how to protect yourself

Flesh-eating bacteria sounds like the premise of a bad horror movie, but it’s a growing – and potentially fatal – threat to people. In September 2023, the Centers for Disease…

Acne bacteria trigger cells to produce fats, oils and other lipids essential to skin health – new research

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it plays a crucial role as the first line of defense against pathogens and insults from the external environment. It…

Strep throat can easily be confused with throat infections caused by viruses – here are a few ways to know the difference

“My sore throats, you know, are always worse than anybody’s.” So declares Mary to Anne in “Persuasion,” Jane Austen’s 1817 book. Most of us can relate to this feeling. There…

Looming behind antibiotic resistance is another bacterial threat – antibiotic tolerance

Have you ever had a nasty infection that just won’t seem to go away? Or a runny nose that keeps coming back? You may have been dealing with a bacterium…