Gene Clusters Reveal Brain Link to Anxiety Disorders

Summary: Researchers made a significant breakthrough in understanding the genetic basis of anxiety disorders (ADs), which affect over 280 million people globally. By analyzing the spatiotemporal transcriptomic data of AD-associated…

Infant Brain Study Links Enlarged Brain Spaces to Autism Risk

Summary: Researchers uncovered a potential early marker for autism in infants: abnormally enlarged perivascular spaces (PVS) in the brain. The study found that infants with enlarged PVS had a 2.2…

Holiday Stress Tops Tax Stress

Summary: A recent survey reveals that the holiday season is more stressful than tax season for many Americans, impacting their mental and physical health. Conducted in December 2023, the survey…

Apes’ Long-Term Social Memory Mirrors Human Ability

Summary: A new study reveals that apes possess a remarkably long-lasting social memory, comparable to humans. Researchers found that chimpanzees and bonobos can recognize former groupmates they haven’t seen for…

Beyond Consciousness: How Meditators Voluntarily Enter Void States

Summary: Experienced meditators can voluntarily induce unconscious states, known as cessations, without the use of drugs. This ability, observed in Tibetan Buddhist practice, allows meditators to experience a momentary void…

Active Aging: Exercise and Social Life Shield Brain Health

Summary: Researchers uncovered the protective effects of physical and social activities on brain health in older adults. Analyzing data from a 12-year longitudinal study, researchers focused on the entorhinal cortex,…

Alzheimer’s Alters COVID-19 Response in Olfactory Cells

Summary: Researchers uncovered how Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) impacts COVID-19 outcomes through changes in the olfactory mucosal cells. Their study focused on individuals with AD who experienced exacerbated COVID-19 symptoms. Using…

Metabolic Markers of Depression Identified

Summary: Researchers revealed a crucial link between cellular metabolism and major depressive disorder, particularly in treatment-refractory cases and suicidal ideation. This research found specific blood metabolites that differ in people…

Leap of Faith: How Belief in God Spurs Risk-Taking

Summary: Religious beliefs influence risk-taking behaviors. Focusing on Christian Americans, the research found that those who view God as a protective figure are more confident in undertaking risks. The study,…

Beer Goggles Myth Busted: Alcohol Doesn’t Alter Attraction

Summary: Researchers have debunked the “beer goggles” myth, suggesting that alcohol doesn’t necessarily make people appear more attractive due to facial symmetry. In their study, participants, including intoxicated individuals, rated…