Ecuador rejects oil drilling in the Amazon rainforest in historic vote

Around 60% of voters said oil reserves in the Yasuní National Park should be left in the ground in binding vote Citizens of Ecuador voted against extracting oil from large…

Money row delays green plan

Sign up to get our weekly newsletter straight to your inbox, plus breaking news, investigations and extra bulletins from key events Wednesday was supposed to be the big unveiling of the…

Call for pitches on the renewable energy supply chain

Send us you pitches for powerful accountability journalism stories on the trends and actors shaping the renewable energy supply chain Climate Home News is seeking stories on the global renewable…

Devastating Beijing floods test China’s ‘sponge cities’

Despite Beijing’s sponge city project, the capital was overwhelmed by recent floods with dozens dying and a new “sponge airport” shut down Recent devastating floods in Beijing have put China’s…

Indonesia’s green plan delayed, after split with rich nations

The launch of the Jetp investment plan has been hampered by disagreements over funding and technical challenges Indonesia has delayed the launch of a $20 billion clean energy plan as…

Carbon Dioxide Removal Project Backed by the US Sparks Debate

The CEO of Occidental Petroleum has said that direct air capture is a way of prolonging the life of the oil industry The US government has been criticised for plans…

One of 2023’s most extreme heatwaves is happening in the middle of winter

Temperatures in parts of South America are 20C (68F) more than normal, one of the most extreme deviations ever seen Temperatures in parts of Chile and northern Argentina have soared…

Dis-united States of the Amazon

Sign up to get our weekly newsletter straight to your inbox, plus breaking news, investigations and extra bulletins from key events Climate politics watchers had pinned major hopes on the much-hyped…

Amazon Nations Unite in Criticism of EU Deforestation Rules

The Belem Declaration echoes growing discontent with a new law prohibiting firms from importing goods linked to deforestation Amazon nations have attacked in a joint declaration the “proliferation” of environmental…

Indonesia falls short on peatland restoration as fire season looms

Data from the Indonesian government suggests efforts to restore peatlands, a key part of the country’s climate strategy, do not match government claims. After devastating wildfires ravaged through Indonesia’s tropical…