Daytime Physical Activity is Key to Unlocking Better Sleep

Summary: A new study reveals a strong link between daytime physical activity and improved sleep quality among both children and adults. Analyzing the daily routines of over 2500 participants, the…

Your heart changes in size and shape with exercise – this can lead to heart problems for some athletes and gym rats

Exercise has long been recognized by clinicians, scientists and public health officials as an important way to maintain health throughout a person’s lifespan. It improves overall fitness, helps build strong…

Dance Your Way to Better Mental Health

Summary: Structured dance programs are as beneficial, and sometimes superior, to traditional physical activities for enhancing psychological and cognitive health. This systematic review and meta-analysis, involving a broad age range…

Menopause Symptoms Reduced by Cold Water Swimming

Summary: Cold water swimming significantly eases menopausal symptoms. Surveying 1114 women, with 785 experiencing menopause, researchers found improvements in anxiety, mood swings, low mood, and hot flashes among participants. The…

Can Cannabis Improve Exercise Experience?

Summary: A study of 42 runners reveals that using cannabis before exercise can boost mood and enjoyment. The study shows that both THC and CBD can enhance exercise experience, with…

Cardio or weights first? A kinesiologist explains how to optimize the order of your exercise routine

When you enter the gym, which way should you head first? Toward the treadmills and spin studio to get your sweat on with a cardio session? Or toward the free…

Active Aging: Exercise and Social Life Shield Brain Health

Summary: Researchers uncovered the protective effects of physical and social activities on brain health in older adults. Analyzing data from a 12-year longitudinal study, researchers focused on the entorhinal cortex,…

Fitness Shapes Teen Brains – Neuroscience News

Summary: A novel study finds a link between childhood physical fitness and cerebellar grey matter volume in adolescents. The research, part of the FitBrain study, shows that adolescents with better…

Steep physical decline with age is not inevitable – here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Raise your hand if you regularly find yourself walking up a flight of stairs. What about carrying heavy bags of groceries? How about picking up your child or grandchild? Most…

Personality Disorders Linked to Increased Risk of Fatty Liver Disease

Summary: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most prevalent cause of chronic liver disease in affluent societies, is intrinsically linked with personality disorders. The research uncovers a tri-fold higher likelihood…