Gazans’ extreme hunger could leave its mark on subsequent generations

As Israel’s offensive in Gaza rages on, people across the entire Gaza Strip find themselves in increasingly dire circumstances, with nearly the entire population experiencing high levels of food insecurity,…

Israeli siege has placed Gazans at risk of starvation − prewar policies made them vulnerable in the first place

The stories of hunger emerging from war-ravaged Gaza are stark: People resorting to grinding barely edible cattle feed to make flour; desperate residents eating grass; reports of cats being hunted…

Disease risk spreads amid overcrowded shelters, dirty water and breakdown of basic sanitation

After more than a month of being subjected to sustained bombing, the besieged people of the Gaza Strip are now confronted with another threat to life: disease. Overcrowding at shelters,…

Decades of underfunding, blockade have weakened Gaza’s health system – the siege has pushed it into abject crisis

For many patients in Gaza’s besieged north, the order to evacuate from hospital beds and head south amounts to a “death sentence.” That was the stark assessment of the World…