Zap! California startup touts its new battery technology as a fast-charging ‘universal adapter’

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Officials at a startup based in Carlsbad, California, expect a battery technology they have engineered will transform the way e-bikes and electric-powered hand-held tools are charged.…

Computer scientists discover gap in the latest security mechanisms used by some chips

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Over the past few years, hardware manufacturers have developed technologies that ought to make it possible for companies and governmental organizations to process sensitive data securely…

Aim policies at hardware to ensure AI safety, say experts

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A global registry tracking the flow of chips destined for AI supercomputers is one of the policy options highlighted by a major new report calling for…

Open tools used for a security chip

The security chip (at the middle of the bottom) is built in flip-chip technology on an auxiliary board and plugged into a standard socket on the main board. The main…

Intel CEO says the chip maker’s technology is central to AI boom

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Intel Corp. Chief Executive Officer Pat Gelsinger, plotting a comeback for the once-dominant chipmaker, made the case that the company’s technology will be vital to an…

Exploring the effects of hardware implementation on the exploration space of evolvable robots

The ARE Robot Fabricator (RoboFab). Evolved robot skeletons (green) are 3D printed, the robot arm equips them with a central ‘head’ (red) and then attaches modular ‘organs’ (dark blue) to…

Advances in AI, chips boost voice recognition

14nm analog AI chip resting in researcher’s hand. Credit: Ryan Lavine for IBM Separate developments in speech recognition technology from IBM and California universities at San Francisco and Berkeley offer…

Artificial neurons mimic complex brain abilities for next-generation AI computing

AMD fTPM vulnerability uncovered