Medicines360’s long and winding, $82 million road to create and distribute $50 birth control

A client receives information at Mary’s Center, a community health center in Washington in 2018. The center is one of more than 2,500 publicly funded health clinics that has distributed…

LDL not the be all, end all in heart disease, heart attacks and stroke

Space-filling model of the Cholesterol molecule. Credit: RedAndr/Wikipedia Despite advances in treatment for high cholesterol, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S. Scientists at the Medical…

HEART-FID trial finds no significant benefit from ferric carboxymaltose in heart failure patient outcomes

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A trial led by the Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, has investigated the long-term safety and efficacy of supplementing heart failure patients with iron. In a…

Mozart lullaby may ameliorate pain in newborns during heel prick blood test

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Playing a Mozart lullaby may help reduce the pain experienced by newborn babies undergoing a heel prick blood test, according to a randomized, blinded clinical trial…

Study finds that microplastics infiltrate all systems of body, cause behavioral changes in mice

Professor Jaime Ross, left, works in her lab in Avedisian Hall with graduate students Lauren Gaspar and Sydney Bartman. The team is investigating the potentially serious neurological impacts of microplastics…

Australia shines in clinical trial activity ranking, but survey reveals gaps

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain An examination of how clinical trials have changed in Australia over the past 15 years has identified challenges such as lack of balance in the types…

Stem cell therapy rescues symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Systemic transplantation of wild-type hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (green) led to their differentiation into microglia-like cells (red), which reduced the amount of beta amyloid plaques (magenta) in the brain.…

New antibiotics on the way, but not quickly enough

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A report by University of Queensland researchers has warned a global crisis of antibiotic resistance is inevitable, despite promising developments in new antibiotics. The Center for…

Fly toolkit created for investigating COVID-19 infection mechanisms

3-D rendering of cells in the salivary gland expressing the SARS-CoV2 protein NSP8 showing the abnormal accumulation of actin in ring-like structures (green staining). Similar actin rings have been observed…

Most research on PFAS harms is unpublicized

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Though per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) make headlines daily, a new paper reveals that most studies finding links between PFAS exposure and human health harms are…