Brain Scans Improve Concussion Care by Predicting Lasting Symptoms

Summary: Advanced MRI scans, particularly diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), have shown promise in predicting which concussion patients are at risk for long-term symptoms. While standard CT scans often fail to…

A New Era in Neuroscience with Generative AI

Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking model called Brain Language Model (BrainLM) using generative artificial intelligence to map brain activity and its implications for behavior and disease. BrainLM leverages 80,000 scans…

Unlocking Flow: The Neuroscience of Creative Bliss

Summary: A new study involving Philadelphia-area jazz guitarists, has explored the brain processes that enable creative flow. The research reveals that achieving flow requires a solid foundation of expertise, after…

A New Window into Neural Dynamics

Summary: Researchers have developed a groundbreaking “nanosheet incorporated into light-curable resin” (NIRE) method, enabling unprecedented large-scale and long-term observation of neuronal activity in awake mice. This innovative technique utilizes fluoropolymer…

Predicting Psychosis Before Symptom Onset

Summary: Researchers developed a machine-learning tool that accurately identifies individuals at high risk of psychosis through MRI brain scans. This innovative approach, which achieved an 85% accuracy rate in training…

TMS Proves Long-Term Relief for Depression

Summary: A major clinical trial, BRIGhTMIND, reveals that MRI-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) significantly eases symptoms of severe depression for at least six months. The study, involving five centers across…

Predicting PTSD: Brain Scans Unravel Trauma’s Long-term Effects

Summary: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects 2% to 10% of trauma survivors, manifesting as intense anxiety from emotional disbalance. Researchers employed brain scans on 104 trauma survivors to determine which…

Early Indicators of Autism May Be Identified in Fetal Brain Scans

Summary: A study by King’s College researchers has identified a link between autism traits and isolated fetal ventriculomegaly – a common antenatal brain abnormality. Using MRI brain scans, the study…