Key Neurons Found to Predict Memory of People and Places

Summary: Researchers have identified specific brain cells, known as concept neurons and location cells, that predict whether we will successfully remember people and places. These neurons in the medial temporal…

Neural Circuitry Behind Social Group Preferences Discovered

Summary: Scientists have identified the brain circuitry that drives spiny mice to prefer larger social groups. The study shows that neural signaling from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to the…

Human-Dog Brain Activity Syncs During Bonding

Summary: During social interactions, human and dog brain activity becomes synchronized, with mutual gazing and petting enhancing this connection. Over five days, synchronization between human-dog pairs increased with familiarity, suggesting…

How the Brain Turns Sensory Input Into Action

Summary: Neuroscientists have uncovered how sensory input is transformed into motor action across multiple brain regions in mice. The study shows that decision-making is a distributed process across the brain,…

Wearable brain imaging device shines a light on how babies respond in real-world situations

Mother Mererid and baby Mabli were volunteers in the study. Credit: Liam Collins-Jones/UCL A new technology which uses harmless light waves to measure activity in babies’ brains has provided the…

Gene Therapy Offers Hope for Glaucoma and AMD

Summary: A newly developed gene therapy shows great potential for treating glaucoma, a condition that can lead to vision loss. The therapy protects retinal ganglion cells, essential for vision, and…

Near Death Experiences May Strengthen Human Interconnectedness

Summary: A new study shows that out-of-body experiences (OBEs), including near-death experiences, can dramatically increase empathy and transform how individuals connect with others. Researchers suggest this may result from “ego…

Tau Levels Predict Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s

Summary: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression varies based on the presence of tau and amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteins in the brain. Patients with high levels of both tau and Aβ experience rapid…

Role of Serotonin Release in Depression Uncovered

Summary: Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on its role in depression. The study revealed that while serotonin levels…

Robot Deception: Some Lies Accepted, Others Rejected

Summary: A new study examined how humans perceive different types of deception by robots, revealing that people accept some lies more than others. Researchers presented nearly 500 participants with scenarios…