Researchers demonstrate that quantum entanglement and topology are inextricably linked

Newswise — For the first time, researchers from the Structured Light Laboratory (School of Physics) at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, led by Professor Andrew Forbes, in collaboration with…

Quantum particles retain intrinsic features

Newswise — The quantum Cheshire cat effect draws its name from the fictional Cheshire Cat in the Alice in Wonderland story. That cat was able to disappear, leaving only its grin behind.…

How Radio Astronomy Sees Magnetic Fields

Newswise — Many objects in the Universe have magnetic fields. Planets such as Earth and Jupiter, the Sun and other stars, even galaxies billions of light years away. But these…

Calculation Shows Why Heavy Quarks Get Caught up in the Flow

Newswise — UPTON, NY—Using some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, a group of theorists has produced a major advance in the field of nuclear physics—a calculation of the “heavy…

Quantum-Enhanced Microscope Doubles Resolution

Newswise — Using a “spooky” phenomenon of quantum physics, Caltech researchers have discovered a way to double the resolution of light microscopes. The journal Nature Communications has published a paper…