Aggression Is A Result of Self-Control, Not Lack Thereof

Summary: A new study contests the belief that aggression stems from poor self-control. Instead, it suggests that aggression is often a deliberate, controlled act, inflicted to maximize retribution. This finding,…

Eyeing Fear: Neurons That Drive Visual Aversion Uncovered

Summary: Scientists have unearthed a cluster of neurons, which control our urge to avert our gaze from frightening situations. The team studied fruit fly brains and found these neurons release…

Satellite security lags decades behind the state of the art

The inside of a small satellite. Credit: RUB, Marquard Thousands of satellites are currently orbiting the Earth, and there will be many more in the future. Researchers from Ruhr University…

Could AI-powered robot ‘companions’ combat human loneliness?

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Companion robots enhanced with artificial intelligence may one day help alleviate the loneliness epidemic, suggests a new report from researchers at Auckland, Duke, and Cornell Universities.…

A scalable method to prelithiate anodes for lithium-ion batteries

Conceptual Linking: How Pain Avoidance Can Spread to Safe Activities

Summary: Avoiding activities associated with past pain can cause individuals to shun related tasks that might be painless. This avoidance may generalize to safe activities, leading to needless abstention from…

Brain Barrier Inflammation: A Stealthy Contributor to Multiple Sclerosis

Summary: A study in mice reveals that inflammation in the brain’s barrier, or the meninges, may seep into grey matter, fostering the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). Utilizing novel methods,…

Making headway in precision therapeutics with novel fully organic bioelectronic device

A vIGT array consisting of half a million transistors conforming to the complex curvilinear surface of the finger of Alma Mater, Columbia University’s iconic stature. Credit: Dion Khodagholy,Claudia Cea/Columbia Engineering…

Next-generation flow battery design sets records

Researchers prepare an experimental flow battery electrolyte that has shown long life in the laboratory setting. Credit: Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) A common food and medicine additive…

Stretchy color-changing display points to future of wearable screens