Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain When does the COVID-19 pandemic end? Epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may have one answer. Restaurant-goers on Peachtree Street surely have another.…
Category: Health & Medicine
International consensus highlights the importance of molecular testing for antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis
A multidisciplinary group of tuberculosis experts from the TBnet and RESIST-TB networks have reached a consensus on key issues related to the molecular prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibiotic sensitivity or…
About 100,000 US nurses left workforce during pandemic
During the pandemic, nearly 100,000 U.S. registered nurses called it quits, a new survey shows. Why? A combination of stress, burnout and retirements created a perfect storm for the exodus.…
Austria has catching up to do in prevention and care of mental illness during the first year after pregnancy
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Conceptual Model, WA model of care. Credit: Perinatal and infant mental health care models and pathways (2023). The Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA)…
Health care-associated infections higher for patients hospitalized with COVID-19
The incidence of health care-associated infections (HAIs) was higher among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 than for patients without COVID-19, according to a study published online April 13 in JAMA Network…
Estrogen in birth control could be cut way back, a study suggests
Estrogen causes hormonal birth controls’ most serious and rare side effects, such as stroke and heart attack. The hormone is also at the root of some of the contraceptives’ less…
Human metapneumovirus, or HMPV, is filling ICUs this spring – a pediatric infectious disease specialist explains this little-known virus
In the year 2000, Dutch scientists went on a mission of exploration – not to discover lands or riches, but to identify unknown causes of acute respiratory infections. These illnesses,…
The deadly VEXAS syndrome is more common than doctors thought
A mysterious new disease may be to blame for severe, unexplained inflammation in older men. Now, researchers have their first good look at who the disease strikes, and how often.…
Procrastination may harm your health. Here’s what you can do
The worst procrastinators probably won’t be able to read this story. It’ll remind them of what they’re trying to avoid, psychologist Piers Steel says. Maybe they’re dragging their feet going…
Too much of this bacteria in the nose may worsen allergy symptoms
A type of bacteria that’s overabundant in the nasal passages of people with hay fever may worsen symptoms. Targeting that bacteria may provide a way to rein in ever-running noses.…