Melatonin and its derivatives found to enhance long-term object recognition memory

Melatonin and its derivatives enhance long-term object recognition memory in male mice by modulating the phosphorylation of memory-related proteins through receptor and non-receptor signaling pathways. Credit: Atsuhiko Chiba from Sophia…

Can you cry underwater?

Tears prevent your eyes from drying out and protect them from irritation and infection. Vizerskaya/E+ via Getty Images Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you…

Archaeologists find Hecate figurine at ancient Kelenderis |

A team of archaeologists from Batman University have uncovered a figurine depicting Hecate during excavations at ancient Kelenderis. Kelenderis, also known as Celenderis, was an ancient Greek city, port and…

From ‘magical’ to ‘rip it out’: different brain implant experiences

A brain implant allowed Ian Burkhart to close his hand for the first time since being paralysed in a diving accident. Ian Burkhart looked down at his hand and imagined…

Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A psychologist explains why there’s no substitute for shut-eye

Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain There is no denying the importance of sleep. Everyone feels better after a good night of sleep, and lack of sleep can have profoundly negative effects…

A ‘memory wipe’ for stem cells may be the key to better therapies

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Stem cells are special kinds of cells in our body that can become any other type of cell. They have huge potential for medicine, and trials…

Archaeologists uncover vestiges of the Tepuztecos |

Archaeologists have uncovered vestiges of the Tepuztecos during an expansion of the Puerto del Varal-Corral de Piedra highway at Barranca Chihuila-Corral de Piedra. The Tepuztecos, also known as the Tlacotepehuas,…

5 advances in cancer treatment

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain QUESTION: In the past year, several family members have been diagnosed with various types of cancer, including leukemia, melanoma, breast cancer and colon cancer. In talking…

Bringing addiction care ‘inside the house of medicine’

International per-person consumption of prescription opioids (2010–12). This period coincides with the peak of opioid prescribing in the USA and Canada. Credit: The Lancet (2022). DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02252-2 As civilization ground…

Why bilinguals may have a memory advantage—new research

Credit: Luis Molinero/Shutterstock Think about being in a conversation with your best friend or partner. How often do you finish each other’s words and sentences? How do you know what…