Nazca geoglyphs discovered used AI deep learning |

Archaeologists from the Yamagata University have used AI deep learning to discover new geoglyphs in the northern part of the Nazca Pampa in the arid Peruvian coastal plain. Geoglyphs in…

Experts warn bird flu virus changing rapidly in largest ever outbreak

Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses. Credit: Public Domain The virus causing record cases of avian influenza in birds across the world is changing rapidly, experts…

Troubleshooting: Every Problem Has a Solution

In both our daily lives and the business world, we encounter numerous challenges that demand our attention and proactive intervention. Curiously, problem-solving is an essential aspect of human evolution. Crucially,…

Children with drug-resistant epilepsy live longer after cranial surgery, large study finds

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Survival rate beyond 10 years in children with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) was highest after cranial epilepsy surgery and lowest when treated only with antiseizure medications, according…

Shaping Young Minds: Neurodevelopment Interventions for Psychiatric Disorders

Summary: Researchers explored potential treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and autism that act during critical windows of brain development. They specifically targeted underperforming dopamine neurons, which connect to the…

For advanced, HER2-amplified bile duct cancers, antibody treatment trial shows promising results

Memorial Sloan Kettering gastrointestinal oncologist Dr. James Harding. Credit: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Bile duct cancers are uncommon and aggressive types of gastrointestinal cancer. They include cholangiocarcinomas, which can…

Youth Alcohol Dependency Could Signal Future Depression Risk

Summary: Adolescents with signs of alcohol dependency are more likely to suffer from depression in their mid-20s. The research, involving 3,902 participants from the ALSPAC study, examined the correlation between…

Archaeologists study fortress in southern Georgia to understand community resilience |

A team of archaeologists led by Cranfield University is conducting a detailed study of the fortress of Dmanisis Gora in the Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia. The study is part…

Neutrons show how pre-filled syringes clog

Dr. Michael Schulz examines the syringes at the ANTARES neutron radiography facility at FRM II. Credit: Astrid Eckert / TUM Pre-filled syringes are easy to use; they ensure exact dosages,…

Want to know how processed your food is? There’s an algorithm for that

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Northeastern researchers have been busy trying to better understand the links between “ultra-processed foods” and human health through the university-sponsored Foodome project. As part of that…