Why some hammerhead sharks seem to ‘hold their breath’ during dives

Even fish sometimes hold their breath in cold, dark, deep water. Scalloped hammerhead sharks living near Hawaii spend their days basking in warm surface waters. But at night, these fish…

Pregnancy may hamper bats’ ability to ‘see’ in the dark

Pregnancy can do weird things to the body. For some bats, it can hamper their ability to “see” the world around them. Kuhl’s pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus kuhlii) echolocate less frequently…

Swarming locusts can deploy a chemical to avoid being cannibalized

For many locusts, life in a swarm is a picnic. Crowded conditions create a locust-eat-locust world. But it turns out some migrating insects deploy a “don’t-eat-me” pheromone that can deter…

A 2,200-year-old poop time capsule reveals secrets of the Andean condor

For over 2,000 years, Andean condors have been nesting — and pooping — in the same cliffside grotto high in the Andes. This gargantuan pile of guano is now providing…

This marine biologist is on a mission to save endangered rays

The first time Jessica Pate swam beside a manta ray off Florida’s southern coast, the 8-foot-wide fish flipped belly-up and slowed to watch her. “I was kind of obsessed after…

Mouse hair turns gray when certain stem cells get stuck

Hair might go gray when stem cells with wanderlust have their travels interrupted. Stem cells involved in making the pigment that gives hair its color behave much differently than other…

Here are 5 cool findings from a massive project on 240 mammal genomes

Citations N.S. Upham and M.J. Landis. Genomics expands the mammalverse. Science. Vol. 380, April 28, 2023, p. 359. doi: 10.1126/science.add2209. I. Gallego Romero. Seeing humans through an evolutionary lens. Science. Vol. 380, April 28,…

Pets and people bonded during the pandemic. But owners were still stressed and lonely

If you feel like you bonded with your pet during the pandemic, you’re not alone. Cat and dog owners in the United States gradually grew closer to their pets during…

This elephant peels bananas, but only slightly ripe ones

Do you peel bananas from the top or bottom? One elephant goes with a third option. When handed a slightly browning banana, Pang Pha, an Asian elephant at Zoo Berlin,…

A massive cavern beneath a West Antarctic glacier is teeming with life

The coastal plain of the Kamb Ice Stream, a West Antarctic glacier, hardly seems like a coast at all. Stand in this place, 800 kilometers from the South Pole, and…