Gene Therapy Offers Hope for Glaucoma and AMD

Summary: A newly developed gene therapy shows great potential for treating glaucoma, a condition that can lead to vision loss. The therapy protects retinal ganglion cells, essential for vision, and…

Neurodevelopmental Disruptions Behind Schizophrenia Cognitive Deficits

Summary: A recent review of genetic and population studies reveals that premorbid cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, such as lower IQ, are largely due to neurodevelopmental disruptions rather than inherited genetic…

5% of the population claim near-death experiences: Psychedelics may be a way to understand what happens in our brain

One person felt a sensation of “slowly floating into the air” as images flashed around. Another recalled “the most profound sense of love and peace,” unlike anything experienced before. Consciousness…

RNA Therapy Improves Memory and Reduces Anxiety

Summary: An RNA-based therapy, COG-201, can enhance memory and reduce anxiety in animal models by targeting the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Scientists found that decreasing this receptor’s expression led to improved…

Schizophrenia Linked to Disrupted Synaptic Plasticity

Summary: Researchers have identified a mechanism that impairs synaptic plasticity in individuals with schizophrenia, revealing the role of three key proteins. Using computational modeling, the team explored how genetic alterations…

Viewpoint: Probiotics are not regulated by the FDA. Do they even work?

P robiotics, also referred to as live biotherapeutic products (LBPs), are products that contain live organisms, such as bacteria, that are found naturally in humans. The most common are bacteria that belong…

50,000 brain scans: AI has discovered five patterns of brain atrophy, providing insights into the mystery of aging

An analysis of almost 50,000 brain scans has revealed five distinct patterns of brain atrophy associated with ageing and neurodegenerative disease. The analysis has also linked the patterns to lifestyle…

Cultured meat is just too expensive to produce to scale up? That could change dramatically, and soon

A pioneering study unveils the first affordable method for producing cultivated meat. The research highlights that continuous manufacturing effectively overcomes the main challenges of scalability and cost, bringing cultivated meat…

Increase in Protein Linked to Salt Intake Implicated in Multiple Sclerosis

Summary: Researchers have uncovered that increased levels of the protein PRDM1-S, triggered by high salt intake, disrupt immune regulation and contribute to autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS). This discovery…

Sexual sensation: How the brain manages sensuality

Sexual sensation is absolutely central to both our shared human experience and our individual quirks and kinks. It’s exactly the sort of topic that has traditionally had lots of behavioural…