Category: Physics
Four Argonne Scientists Receive 2024 DOE Early Career Research Awards
Newswise — Recipients of the 2024 U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program are each awarded $550,000 a year for five years to help them answer complex questions. Four…
Theoretical physicists develop method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory
Illustration of the theory used to model quantum gravity: The lattice simulates a curved space-time—near the boundary, the lattice is denser due to the curvature. The interacting electrical signals (yellow,…
Research finds surprisingly simple relationship
by Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo Diagram of a boundary surface shows how in order to transmit energy, information must also…
Floquet engineering tunes ultracold molecule interactions and produces two-axis twisting dynamics
Pulse sequences for generating two-axis twisting rotate the spins of KRb molecules, transforming the spin exchange interactions. Credit: Steven Burrows/Ye Group The interactions between quantum spins underlie some of the…
Latent information carried by photons enables super-precise spectrometer
Frequency lens using multiple diffraction on a diffraction grating. The light pulse is transformed in a frequency analogous to the light beam passing through the real lens (fot. M. Lipka,…
Physicists achieve ultrafast steering of quantum-entangled electrons
Sketch of the dissociative photoionization of molecular hydrogen using combined IR and XUV laser pulses with variable delay (white arrow). Credit: MPIK Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear…