New research uncovers hidden phenomena in ultra-clean quantum materials

Quantum study shines fresh light on how neutrinos fuel supernovae

Scientists develop innovative method to validate quantum photonics circuits performance

Schematic of a high-dimensional quantum photonics system generation and implementation of Fourier quantum process tomography (FQPT) compared with traditional maximum likelihood (ML) methods. Credit: University of Ottawa A team of…

The experimental demonstration of a verifiable blind quantum computing protocol

Photograph of the photonically networked trapped-ion quantum processor server at the University of Oxford, Credits: David Nadlinger. Quantum computers, systems that process and store information leveraging quantum mechanical phenomena, could…

Searching for new asymmetry between matter and antimatter

The LHCb detector seen in 2018 during its opening. Credit: CERN Once a particle of matter, always a particle of matter. Or not. Thanks to a quirk of quantum physics,…

New advances promise secure quantum computing at home

The process allows a remote user (right) to access a quantum computer in the cloud (left) with complete security. By Helene Hainzer. Copyright Oxford University Physics. Credit: Helene Hainzer. Oxford…

Physicists discover a novel quantum state in an elemental solid

A representation of data visualization of quantum states of electrons on the surface and edge of gray arsenic crystal obtained using a scanning tunneling microscope at Princeton’s physics department. Credit:…

Quantum crystal of frozen electrons—the Wigner crystal—is visualized for the first time

An image of a triangular Wigner crystal taken by scanning tunneling microscope. Researchers have unveiled an elusive crystal that is formed purely from the repulsive nature of electrons. Each site…

When laser light makes materials magnetic

Stefano Bonetti in his lab at Stockholm University. Credit: Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation/Magnus Bergström The potential of quantum technology is huge but is today largely limited to the extremely…

Team is first ever to measure qubits with ultrasensitive thermal detectors, evading Heisenberg uncertainty principle

An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitted from qubits (depicted on the left). Credit: Aleksandr Käkinen/Aalto University…