European countries differ in their drinking styles, study finds

Drinking patterns identified in Europe, based on alcohol per capita consumption and drinking status indicators. CD = current drinkers; HED = heavy episodic drinkers; LA = lifetime abstainers. Credit: Addiction…

Study finds e-cigarette users now more likely to quit traditional cigarettes

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new paper in Nicotine & Tobacco Research finds that smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes are now more likely to stop smoking regular cigarettes. In…

The risks of mixing alcohol and sports wagering

UNLV psychology professor and addictions expert Shane W. Kraus partnered on research into the links between sports gambling and binge drinking. Credit: Becca Schwartz/UNLV It turns out that money isn’t…

the road to legal cannabis

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Germany is set to join the global cannabis revolution on Monday, with a law coming into effect legalizing recreational use of the drug. It is the…

Lab tests show THC potency inflated on retail marijuana in Colorado

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Cannabis flower sold in Colorado claims to contain much more tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, than it actually does, according to my findings published in the peer-reviewed journal…

How meth became an epidemic in America, and what’s happening now that it’s faded from the headlines

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Rural America has long suffered from an epidemic of methamphetamine use, which accounts for thousands of drug overdoses and deaths every year. William Garriott, an anthropologist…

Vaping worsens sleep quality and the mental health of young people, suggests study

Credit: oka bemby from Pexels Vape use significantly impacts the sleep quality and anxiety levels of young adults, suggests a new study from the University of Surrey published in the…

Research shows lasting effects of smoking after quitting

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers are still discovering how smoking continues to harm people’s health even years after they quit, with a new study on Wednesday revealing tobacco’s lasting effect…

Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Anxiety Disorder Risk

Summary: A comprehensive study found a significant association between emergency department visits for cannabis use and the development of new anxiety disorders. Analyzing health data from over 12 million Ontarians,…

Drug overdose cardiac arrests involve younger, healthier people than other cardiac arrests

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain An analysis of data for more than 500,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the U.S. found key differences in outcomes between cardiac arrests caused by drug overdoses…