“Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners

Summary: A new study explores the phenomenon of supernatural visits from deceased pets. Analyzing 544 accounts from dog owners on social media, researchers found that about half of these experiences…

Canine Cognition: Dogs Match Words with Objects

Summary: A new study reveals dogs’ ability to understand words as representations of objects, indicating a deeper level of cognitive processing than previously thought. Researchers used non-invasive EEG to measure…

Paws for Thought: Dog Interaction Boosts Brainwaves and Relaxation

Summary: A new study highlights the psychological and neurological benefits of interacting with dogs, revealing that activities such as playing and walking with dogs enhance brain wave strengths linked to…

Apes’ Long-Term Social Memory Mirrors Human Ability

Summary: A new study reveals that apes possess a remarkably long-lasting social memory, comparable to humans. Researchers found that chimpanzees and bonobos can recognize former groupmates they haven’t seen for…

Dog’s Facial Markings Influence Human-Canine Communication

Summary: Researchers discovered that the complexity of a dog’s facial markings affects human interpretation of their expressions. It was revealed that dogs with plainer faces make more facial expressions and…

Monkey See, Monkey Think: Groundbreaking Study Reveals Primate’s Ability for Complex Decision-Making

Summary: Move over humans, monkeys can think deeply too! A novel study has shown that monkeys are capable of careful decision-making by considering costs, consequences, and constraints. Findings reveal our…