The Impact of Violent Neighborhoods on Brain Development

Summary: Children living in violent neighborhoods exhibit increased amygdala reactivity, signaling heightened sensitivity to threats, which can affect mental health and socioemotional functioning. However, nurturing parenting can protect against these…

Sleep Deprivation’s Toll on Emotions

Summary: Researchers examined over fifty years of research to highlight the profound impact of sleep loss on emotional well-being. Analyzing data from 154 studies with 5,715 participants, the research team…

Maternal Stress During Pregnancy Impacts Child Mental Health

Summary: Research reveals that children of mothers experiencing high stress, anxiety, or depression during pregnancy may have a greater risk of mental health and behavior issues throughout childhood and adolescence.…

The Energizing Power of Keeping Good Secrets

Summary: A recent study reveals that keeping good news a secret can make individuals feel more energized and alive. The research involved over 2,500 participants and found that positive secrets,…

Post-Pandemic America: Unmasking the Silent Stress Surge of Collective Trauma

Summary: The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has instigated a silent surge in stress and mental health issues among Americans. Alarmingly, adults aged 35-44 exhibited the most significant hike in…

Choosing Ignorance: 40% Shun Consequence Knowledge for Selfish Gains

Summary: New research unveiled that when faced with a choice, 40% of individuals opt to remain ignorant about how their decisions impact others, often leveraging this unawareness to act more…