Unlocking Schizophrenia: Mitochondria Dysfunction at the Forefront

Summary: Researchers have identified a pivotal role of impaired mitochondrial function in the development of schizophrenia by examining the genetic risk factor 3q29 deletion syndrome. The genetic condition, known to…

AI Pinpoints Parkinson’s Subtypes Using Stem Cell Images

Summary: Researchers enabled machine learning to accurately predict Parkinson’s disease subtypes using stem cell images. This breakthrough showcases computer models classifying four Parkinson’s subtypes, with top accuracies reaching 95%. This…

Brain’s ‘Traffic Directors’: Neurons That Keep Us Focused on Tasks

Summary: Researchers have illuminated how our brain maintains focus amidst distractions. Their study identifies “visual-movement” neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) that use coordinated activity called “beta bursts” to…

Baby Gut Microbes: A Link to Early Cognitive Skills?

Summary: Researchers discovered associations between specific microbes in infants’ guts and early cognitive development performance. This exploratory study examined 56 infants, revealing that certain microbiome compositions corresponded with success in…

Long-term Acid Reflux Drugs Linked to Higher Dementia Risk?

Summary: Long-term use (over 4.4 years) of proton pump inhibitors, prescribed for acid reflux, may be associated with an increased risk of dementia. However, this research does not establish a…

Dopamine Tunes the Brain for Both Singing and Speech

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, speech and singing use overlapping brain circuits, primarily located in the left hemisphere. This discovery challenges the 50-year notion that the right hemisphere supports the…

Wheat Gluten Spurs Brain Inflammation

Summary: Researchers found that wheat gluten induces brain inflammation in mice, a finding that could have implications for human health. The study revealed that when mice consumed gluten, inflammation occurred…

Psychedelics Sync Neurons: A Glimpse into Consciousness & Psychosis

Summary: Researchers have pioneered a method to simultaneously measure electrical signals from 128 brain regions in conscious rats. Using this technique, they observed the effects of psychedelic drugs, LSD and…

Why Do We Like Certain Scents?

Summary: Researchers delved into understanding why certain smells appeal to us and others don’t by studying locusts. Through a series of experiments, they analyzed how locusts’ brains reacted to various…

Depression and Anxiety Are Not Cancer Risk Factors

Summary: The association between depression, anxiety and cancer risk has been a point of contention in scientific circles. In an new study a multi-national team refutes the idea that these…