Psychiatric History of Both Parents Tied to Preterm Birth Risk

Summary: A new study reveals the increased risk of preterm birth in infants when both parents have psychiatric diagnoses. The research analyzed data on all live births in Sweden between…

COVID-19 Super Dodgers: The Genetic Secret to Asymptomatic Infection

Summary: ertain individuals carry a unique gene variant that allows them to contract COVID-19 without displaying any symptoms. Dubbed as “super dodgers”, these individuals are more than twice as likely…

Study Challenges Longstanding Beliefs About Action of Antipsychotic Medications

Summary: Researchers uncovered a pivotal detail that could revolutionize schizophrenia treatment. Contrary to longstanding belief, antipsychotic drugs that mitigate overactive dopamine, a hallmark of schizophrenia, interact primarily with a different…

Culture and Geography Significantly Influence Sleep Patterns

Summary: A new study reveals that culture and geography significantly influence sleep patterns. Using data from Nokia smartwatches, the researchers analyzed 52 million logs over four years from 30,082 individuals…

Neuronal Plasticity Genes Linked to Alcohol Use Disorders

Summary: A new study discovered a link between alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and alteration of a group of genes known to influence neuronal plasticity and pain perceptions. The team used…

Intentions Matter: How Source Intent Influences Perceptions of Truth

Summary: Psychologists revealed people’s judgments of truthfulness are influenced by what they perceive as the information source’s intentions. They found that even when individuals knew the factual accuracy of a…

Pupil Size Regulated by Orexin, Not Stress Hormones

Summary: Researchers have discovered that the neurotransmitter orexin, not the stress hormone noradrenaline, regulates pupil size, challenging prior understanding. Orexin neurons affect pupil size in response to emotional states and…

New Dads with Prior Antidepressant Use 30x More Likely to Restart Treatment

Summary: New fathers with a history of antidepressant use are over 30 times more likely to require such treatment again in the first year after their child’s birth. The study,…

Live Music Outperforms Recorded Shows for Infant Engagement

Summary: The magic of live performances is not lost on infants, as new research suggests that live music captivates them more than recorded versions of the same show. Researchers noticed…

Breast Milk Component Boosts Infant Brain Connectivity

Summary: Researchers have discovered that myo-inositol, a small cyclic sugar molecule found in breast milk, plays a crucial role in promoting neuronal connections in infants’ brains. Prior studies indicated the…