New EU Parliament must treat climate change as a systemic threat

Comment: The recent European election sets a trajectory for policymakers to shy away from the climate agenda rather than giving it the urgent boost needed  Mikael Allan Mikaelsson is a…

IEA calls for next national climate plans to target coal phase-down

Countries have agreed to reduce power generated from coal, but shutting down plants is an economic and social challenge, especially in emerging economies Governments should promise in their next round…

Five things we learned from the UN’s climate mega-poll

The UN asked 75,000 people in 77 countries for their views on climate change – and the results show widespread concern and support for action People all over the world…

What does the World Bank say about meat emissions?

The bank has advised wealthy nations to cut subsidies for high-emissions foods but stopped far short of promoting veganism The World Bank has called for governments in wealthy countries to…

Science-Based Targets’ emissions rules don’t reflect the reality

The Science Based Targets initiative ignores the good a company’s products do in avoiding planet-heating emissions – only counting those from its operations Chris Hocknell is the director of London-based…

SBTi needs tighter rules on companies’ indirect emissions

Comment: Businesses are not required to cut all their value chain emissions in line with a 1.5C warming limit – and allowing offsetting could weaken efforts further Silke Mooldijk works…

UN climate chief calls for “quantum leap in climate finance”

Simon Stiell says far more money is required for developing countries to submit bold new climate plans, which would benefit all economies The head of the United Nations climate body,…

Louisiana communities suffer from Japan-funded LNG exports

Comment: When the Japanese and US leaders meet in Washington, they should back a renewable energy future that will end harm to our health and livelihoods from fossil gas Travis…

Forest carbon accounting keeps Guyana net zero while pumping oil

Experts say UN rules around forests and oil are open to abuse, so that countries like Guyana can claim to be carbon-negative without cutting emissions The densely forested South American…

Nigeria’s path to net zero needs include trees

It must be said: it is impossible to imagine Nigeria’s path to decarbonization without imagining it being fully lined with trees. There is a critical need to address deforestation, transform…