Neighborhood Woes: How Living Conditions Impact Brain Structure and Diet

Summary: Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods not only influences food choices and weight gain but can also alter the brain’s microstructure. Researchers found that poor food quality, high-calorie intake, and inactive…

Universal Music: All Recognize Dance & Lullabies, But Not Love Songs

Summary: While many musical themes are universally recognized, love songs are an exception. The study involved playing music snippets to over 5,000 participants from 49 countries, asking them to classify…

The Paradox of Progress: Why More Freedom Isn’t Making Women Happier

Summary: Despite gains in freedom and employment opportunities, research indicates women are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and sleep issues than before. A survey suggests that dissatisfaction with societal…

Anger, The Forgotten Emotion Unveiled: How Trauma Influences Problem Anger

Summary: Anger remains a misunderstood emotion, often stigmatized and mishandled in society. Researchers revealed a significant link between problem anger and trauma experiences, with anger serving as a common, yet…

AI Traces Emotional Contagion – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers artificial intelligence (AI) to measure the risk of “emotional contagion” among relationship professionals, such as social workers and psychologists. This emotional contagion, an unconscious transfer of emotions, can…

COVID-19 Worries Influence Emotional Quality of Daydreams

Summary: A new study investigated the connection between COVID-19-related anxieties and the emotional content of daydreaming and nighttime dreaming. It found a significant correlation between daily COVID-19 worries and the…

Testosterone’s Dual Role in Brain Development: Affects Emotion Control Differently Across Ages

Summary: Higher testosterone levels influence emotion control differently during adolescence and adulthood. Using brain imaging, they discovered a positive impact of testosterone on the engagement of the brain’s anterior prefrontal…

Mapping Emotion Recognition in Children

Summary: Researchers discovered children’s ability to process emotional cues is largely established by the time they start school. Analyzing brain scans from children aged five to 15, the study revealed…

Spread Happiness: Sharing Positive Emotions Can Help Combat Loneliness and Negativity

Summary: A new study suggests that sharing positive feelings with others may ease loneliness-based negativity, which can contribute to psychological issues and physical health problems. Researchers at the University of…

How High Blood Pressure Affects Mental Health

Summary: Researchers have discovered high blood pressure, depression, and emotion-related brain activity are linked to the development of hypertension. Source: Max Planck Institute Our mental health and that of our…