Keto Diet May Improve Mental Health Symptoms

Summary: A new pilot study presents a compelling case for the ketogenic diet as a dual-action treatment for individuals with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, who often…

The Power of Music on Cognitive Arousal

Summary: A new study explores the influence of personalized music on cognitive arousal and performance, drawing on the Yerkes-Dodson law’s inverted-U theory. The study used participants’ physiological and behavioral signals…

Compound May Curb Alcohol Dependence

Summary: The compound LY2444296, which blocks the kappa opioid receptor, significantly reduces alcohol consumption in animal models of alcohol dependence. This study suggests LY2444296 could be a breakthrough in treating…

Teens & Screen Pain: Unveiling Netflix’s Impact on Youth Empathy

Summary: Popular Netflix shows and films expose adolescents to an average of 10 incidents of pain every hour, challenging portrayals of pain and suffering in media aimed at 12 to…

Bioluminescence Unveils Brain’s Oxygen Pathways

Summary: A new study introduces a novel bioluminescence imaging technique for observing oxygen movement in mouse brains. This method, inspired by firefly proteins, reveals real-time, widespread patterns of oxygen distribution,…

Age Influences Perception of Self-Presentation

Summary: Age significantly impacts how self-presentation, or manipulating others’ evaluations of oneself, is perceived, particularly in the context of the protagonist’s usual performance. Their study, involving elementary school children and…

Genetic causes of cerebral palsy uncovered through whole-genome sequencing

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A Canadian-led study has identified genes which may be partially responsible for the development of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy (CP), a condition that affects the development…

Hereditary Alzheimer’s Transmitted Via Bone Marrow Transplants

Summary: Alzheimer’s disease, traditionally seen as a brain-centric condition, may have systemic origins and can be accelerated through bone marrow transplants from donors with familial Alzheimer’s to healthy mice. A…

Anxiety Drives Wishful Thinking to Risky Levels

Summary: Individuals tend to become overly optimistic in situations marked by insecurity and anxiety, potentially to their detriment. The research, involving more than 1,700 participants, demonstrated that people are less…

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). The study, which included young adults with and…