Marijuana Users Found to Have Elevated Lead Levels

Summary: Researchers found marijuana users have significantly higher levels of metals like lead and cadmium in their blood and urine. The study, which is one of the largest of its…

Who’s to Blame? How We Perceive Responsibility in Human-AI Collaborations

Summary: Even when people view AI-based assistants merely as tools, they still assign partial responsibility to these systems for decisions made. The research investigated how participants perceived responsibility when a…

Beer Goggles or Liquid Courage? Alcohol’s Real Effect on Attraction

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, alcohol doesn’t make people look more attractive, says a new study. The findings indicate alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of approaching people you already find…

Cigarettes Ignite the Risk of Mental Illness

Summary: A new study reveals a direct link between smoking and the increased risk of mental illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder. The research, based on data from 350,000 individuals…

Treating Mom’s Postnatal Depression with SSRIs Also Boosts Child Behavior

Summary: A new study found that treating postnatal depression with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) benefits not just mothers but also their children. The study, which analyzed data from over…

Good Sleep Habits Can Buffer Kids From Stress-Linked Impulsivity

Summary: A study reveals that adequate sleep can help children combat impulsive behaviors often induced by stressful environments. Researchers analyzed data from over 11,000 children aged 9-10, finding that those…

Genes Behind Depression Could Pave Way for Other Mental Disorders

Summary: Researchers completed the largest-ever genetic study on depression, encompassing 1.3 million genomes. Their findings indicate that individuals with hospital-treated depression have an increased genetic risk for other psychiatric conditions…

Study finds that microplastics infiltrate all systems of body, cause behavioral changes in mice

Professor Jaime Ross, left, works in her lab in Avedisian Hall with graduate students Lauren Gaspar and Sydney Bartman. The team is investigating the potentially serious neurological impacts of microplastics…

Echo Chambers Amplified: How CNN and Fox News Fuel America’s Polarization

Summary: Researchers utilized AI and natural language processing to analyze 10 years of broadcasts and tweets from CNN and Fox News, revealing a surge in partisan and inflammatory language. The…

Medication can help you make the most of therapy − a psychologist and neuroscientist explains how

There is mounting recognition in the scientific community that combining different treatment approaches for mental health conditions can create a benefit greater than the sum of its parts. As a…