Symphony of Synapses: The Brain’s Intricate Dance with Music

Summary: Music engages a multitude of brain areas, showcasing a complex interplay between auditory processing, emotion, and memory centers. It elicits emotions through the release of dopamine, our brain’s pleasure…

Binge eating linked to habit circuitry in the brain

Types of eating behavior and binge eating frequency. Relationship between Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire a) Restrained (ρ=-0.11, p=0.55), b) Emotional (ρ=0.32, p=0.063), and c) Externally Driven Eating (ρ=0.44, p=0.0092) with…

Restoring control to a particular brain region may help to prevent return to use of opioids

Pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex labeled with a retrograde virus tagged with mCherry. Credit: Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Jacqueline McGinty. A team of neuroscientists at the Medical…

Shared Interests, Shared Essence: Unraveling the Psychology of Instant Connections

Summary: New research sheds light on the similarity-attraction effect, a psychological principle that governs how we form relationships based on shared interests. The study highlight the critical role of ‘self-essentialist…

Glutamate Imbalance Impairs Hippocampus, Leading to Psychosis

Summary: A new study has found that people with a genetic risk for psychosis have an imbalance of glutamate and GABA neurotransmitters in their brains, specifically in the hippocampus. This…

Feeling Hungry? It Might Just Slow Aging

Summary: The sensation of hunger itself may slow aging. Researchers discovered that flies induced to feel hungry, either through diet or brain stimulation, lived longer. They also found that hunger…

Experiment shows thoughts influence tactile perception

Two needles or just one? How we perceive it depends on the distance between the two needles. Credit: Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum If we sincerely believe that our index finger is five times…

Empathy Unleashed: AI’s Personal Disclosures Boost User Acceptance

Summary: When artificial intelligence (AI) agents disclose personal information, it can boost users’ empathy towards them, thus increasing acceptance of AI technologies. The study involved online experiments where participants engaged…

Restoring Gamma Wave Signals Could Counter Depression

Summary: A new study found that restoring certain signals in the brain region that processes smell can counter depression. The study reported the timing and strength of gamma signals in…

Context Matters: Oxytocin Influenced by Context of Social Touch

Summary: The hormone oxytocin, which is released in social bonding and touch, functions like a dimmer switch, influenced by the situation, according to researchers. A study of 42 women found…