Bioengineers develop lotus leaf-inspired system for cancer research

Alexandria Carter. Credit: Gustavo Raskosky The lotus leaf is a pioneer of self-cleaning, water-repellant engineering. Water droplets all but hover on its surface, whose unique texture traps air in its…

Novel PET/CT technique accurately detects neuroblastoma in children with short scan time and no anesthesia

[18F]MFBG LAFOV PET/ULD CT (top) and [123I]MIBG scintigraphy with SPECT/LD CT images (bottom) of 7-wk-old girl with neuroblastoma. [18F]MFBG image shows intraspinal and bone marrow involvement not seen on [123I]MIBG…

Ovarian cancer is hard to detect—focusing on these four symptoms can help with diagnosis

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Ovarian cancers are often found when they are already advanced and hard to treat. Researchers have long believed this was because women first experienced symptoms when…

Adults with learning disabilities three times more likely to die from cancer, researchers find

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the University of Glasgow have found that adults with learning disabilities are more likely to die from cancer compared to the general population. The…

Global study predicts increases in cancer cases and deaths among men, with widening disparities

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In an analysis of 30 cancer types among men, investigators uncover substantial disparities in cancer cases and deaths by age and countries’ economic status—disparities that are…

Gen X and millennials at greater risk of 17 types of cancer compared to previous generations

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A worrying new study by the American Cancer Society has revealed that generation X and millennials are at more risk of developing many types of cancer…

Radiotherapy benefits last a decade, breast cancer study reveals

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Providing radiotherapy after surgery could prevent breast cancer from returning in the same place for up to 10 years, a long-term study suggests. This protective effect…

Overcoming the limits of immunotherapies

Karl Petri (left) is setting up an Emmy Noether research group at the University Hospital of Würzburg with the support of the German Research Foundation. Alexandre Trubert (centre) and Leon…

Cancer diagnosis can be devastating, but for some it gives permission to live more radically

by Kevin Dew, Alex Broom, Chris Cunningham, Elizabeth Dennett, Kerry Chamberlain and Richard Egan, The Conversation Credit: Ivan Samkov from Pexels A diagnosis of life-limiting cancer can be overwhelming and…

One type of non-statin cholesterol-lowering drug linked to lower liver cancer risk

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Past studies have suggested that taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs may lower individuals’ risk of developing liver cancer. In a new study of non-statin cholesterol-lowering medications, one…