Rumination Alters Brain’s Response to Social Rejection

Summary: A new study reveals that adolescent girls who ruminate show distinct brain activity patterns when facing social rejection. Using fMRI scans, the research demonstrates increased activity in brain areas…

Stressful Life Events Linked to Poor Biological Health

Summary: Researchers have found a strong link between stressful life events and deteriorating biological health. Analyzing blood concentrations of four key biomarkers in over 4,900 participants, the study reveals how…

Anxiety and Testosterone Linked to Brain Receptor

Summary: A new study identified a crucial link between anxiety disorders and the brain receptor TACR3, as well as testosterone. This groundbreaking research found that rodents with high anxiety had…

Fair Share or Fair Play: Unraveling Our Brain’s Fairness Mechanisms

Summary: Researchers evaluate the neuroscientific aspects of fairness in social settings, examining how we balance personal interests with social norms. Using electric brain stimulation on 60 volunteers, researchers identified key…

Memory’s Dynamics: How Stress Sharpens Subsequent Recall

Summary: Researchers discovered a fascinating aspect of human memory: our recall becomes sharper following negative experiences. The study utilized image-based experiments with participants to understand memory recall patterns. Participants remembered…

Positive Adult Bond Buffers Against Depression in Kids Facing Adversity

Summary: Positive relationships with parents and other adults during childhood significantly contribute to better mental health in adulthood. Analyzing data from the Boricua Youth Study, researchers found that children with…

Trauma’s Impact on Memory: Sharper Recall After Negative Events

Summary: A new study uncovers a unique aspect of human memory: our ability to recall events is sharper after experiencing negative emotions. The researchers conducted experiments with participants who viewed…

Sexual Rejection Increases Aggression and Stress in Male Fruit Flies

Summary: A new study reveals how fruit flies respond to the stress of repeated mating failures. Researchers observed that male fruit flies facing repeated sexual rejection showed increased activity, aggression,…

TMS Proves Long-Term Relief for Depression

Summary: A major clinical trial, BRIGhTMIND, reveals that MRI-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) significantly eases symptoms of severe depression for at least six months. The study, involving five centers across…

Outsmarting AI: Brain’s Wide, Shallow Learning Redefines Efficiency

Summary: Recent research contrasts the learning mechanisms of the human brain with those of deep learning in AI. Despite having fewer layers and slower, noisier dynamics, the brain can perform…