Interoception Enhances Female Sexual Satisfaction

Summary: Women who are more attuned to internal bodily signals, such as heartbeats and touch, experience orgasms more frequently and with greater satisfaction. This inward focus, known as interoception, is…

Parent-Child Synchrony Isn’t Always Better for Attachment Development

Summary: Researchers revealed nuanced insights into parent-child synchrony, differentiating between behavioral and brain-to-brain connections in 140 families. This research indicates that higher brain-to-brain synchrony, particularly in mothers with insecure attachment…

Smiling Alters Emotional Perceptions – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers discovered that a brief, electrically induced smile can make neutral faces seem happier, a revelation that holds promise for understanding emotional perception and potentially treating affective disorders. The…

Chasing Hobbies Over Achievement Boosts Happiness

Summary: Individuals emphasizing freedom and hobbies experienced a boost in well-being, whereas those prioritizing achievement felt less happy. The research showed that valuing ‘hedonism’ and ‘self-direction’ led to increased happiness…