New Appetite Regulating Neurons Discovered

Summary: Researchers have identified a previously unknown population of neurons in the hypothalamus that play a critical role in regulating appetite. These neurons express both leptin receptors and the BNC2…

“Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners

Summary: A new study explores the phenomenon of supernatural visits from deceased pets. Analyzing 544 accounts from dog owners on social media, researchers found that about half of these experiences…

LLNL leads initiative to advance muon-based imaging

Newswise — Today we can see inside seemingly impossible places—nuclear reactors, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza—thanks to muon imaging. This technique uses naturally occurring subatomic particles…

Is Inflammation in Childhood A Mechanistic Link to Neurodevelopmental Disorders?

Summary: Scientists unveiled a potentially transformative link between early childhood inflammation and the subsequent development of neurodevelopmental disorders, through a pioneering study that utilizes single-cell genomics. By examining brain tissues…

Step Up for Brain Health: Walking Boosts Brain Networks, Combats Alzheimer’s

Summary: Walking can enhance connections within and between three critical brain networks, one of which is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The research, involving older adults with normal cognitive function and…