A cheaper method for making woven displays and smart fabrics of any size or shape

Researchers have developed next-generation smart textiles – incorporating LEDs, sensors, energy harvesting, and storage – that can be produced inexpensively, in any shape or size, using the same machines used…

A K-/Ka-band planar shared-aperture beam-scanning array

Proposed co-polarized shared-aperture beam-scanning array antenna. Credit: Science China Press With the rapid development of modern wireless systems such as radar and communications, there is an urgent need for the…

Communication about quantum technology offers many opportunities (but there are risks too)

System design and experimental results

A novel CF-mMIMO architecture. Credit: Science China Press A long-form review titled “Full-spectrum Cell-free RAN for 6G Systems: System design, and Experimental Results” was published in Science China Information Sciences.…

Recycling of garnet solid electrolytes with lithium-dendrite penetration by thermal healing

(a) Schematic diagram showing the formation and healing process for Li dendrites. (b) Cross-sectional SEM image of the pristine LLZTO pellet. (c) Cross-sectional SEM image and the corresponding EDS mapping…

Researchers reveal early results in sky-brightness measurements in Antarctica

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A research team led by the researcher Wang Jian from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), collaborating with the Polar Research Institute of…

NASA scientific balloon prepares to cross South America

Map of SuperBIT Crossing Pacific Ocean. Credit: NASA A NASA super pressure balloon carrying the SuperBIT scientific payload has crossed the Pacific Ocean after just 5 days of flight and…

Reality or Illusion? The Human Battle with Distinguishing Imagination from Reality

Summary: The more vividly we imagine something, the more likely we are to believe it’s real, a new study reports. Researchers found the brain encodes the vividness of perceived and…

A model to automatically identify the sentiment polarity of specific words in written texts

The underlying architecture of the LMIAN created by the researchers. Credit: Zheng et al. (Connection Science, 2023). In recent years, computer scientists have been trying to develop effective models for…

Foraging for efficiency—morphological traits provide support for variations in performance of the feeding apparatus in coexisting Neotropical bats – Functional Ecologists

In this new post, David Villalobos Chaves, a PhD student at Department of Biology and Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, discusses his…