AI risks repeating social media era’s mistakes: Microsoft president

Breakneck development of AI risked repeating mistakes made by the tech industry at the start of the social media era, Microsoft president Brad Smith told a business forum. Breakneck development…

New detector paves the way to large-scale optical neural networks

Single detector. Credit: Farshid Ashtiani, Nokia Bell Labs For the first time, researchers have used a surface normal nonlinear photodetector (SNPD) to improve the speed and energy efficiency of a…

Towards better batteries and fuel cells with dispersibility estimation for carbon electrode slurries

A new approach for evaluating carbon slurry dispersibility by TUS researchers uses a combination of viscosity and electrochemical impedance measurements. This could help us develop lithium-ion batteries and functional materials…

Unlocking Sound: Common Supplement Might Combat Age-Related Hearing Loss

Summary: Researchers discovered a link between age-related hearing loss and decreased cholesterol in the inner ear. This cholesterol reduction affects the outer hair cells (OHCs), which are essential for amplifying…

Scientists invent micrometers-thin battery charged by saline solution that could power smart contact lenses

Credit: Nanyang Technological University Scientists from NTU Singapore have developed a flexible battery as thin as a human cornea, which stores electricity when it is immersed in saline solution, and…

New dual-arm robot achieves bimanual tasks by learning from simulation

Dual arm robot holding crisp. Credit: University of Bristol An innovative bimanual robot displays tactile sensitivity close to human-level dexterity using AI to inform its actions. The new Bi-Touch system,…

Soft robotics research offers new route for weaving soft materials into 3D spatial structures

Embracing Virtually: How Digital Interactions Mirror the Warmth of Real-World Hugs

Summary: The concept of “digital hugs” challenges the way we think about physical vs. online interactions. Recent research investigates how the feelings and experiences surrounding a hug can be translated…

Norway opens world’s biggest floating wind park

The turbines of Hywind Tampen wind farm are built on floating platforms that are anchored to the seabed. Norway inaugurated the world’s biggest floating wind park in the North Sea…

Why Our Brains Prefer Symbols to Words

Summary: Research reveals symbols are more memorable than words. This novel study dives into our brain’s knack for recalling graphic symbols and logos over their word counterparts. Symbols, offering visual…